I’m back

 This site has been getting a lot of traffic lately and I really don’t know why. But, I honestly don’t know why people are simping over SSSniperwolf she’s literally about to turn 30 years old like WTF. And also there’s a bunch of kids in denial that their queen sssniperwolf is so good and that she can’t do anything bad. Please. Look through my old posts. 


  1. Just leave the girl alone man.
    Like, grow up.
    Just bc u hate someone doesnt mean u should create a blog about "exposing someone".
    Like she's trying to move on.
    Imagine someone made a blog about how much they hate you.
    -A person Xx

  2. What the hell is your problem?!

  3. Bruh she made that sexy sniper acc when she was a freaking teenager can u leave her alone and stop pressing her about her past, she’s tried so hard to be happy and she always makes her fans happy too and then there’s ppl like u who have to call her a “slut” for no fucking reason, and who gives a fuck she’s 30??? She blocked ur dumb ass bc of the hate ur sending and bc ur stalking her accs and looking at mistakes she made as a teen like a creep, I don’t even care about her that much but wht ur doing is seriously fucked up

  4. bitch she is fucking awesome and if you do not like her go fuck your self


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