
Hello. I'm back. The reason I didn't post is that I forgot the password to this. But I'm back. So, I have a lot of people are saying I'm biased and that this whole fucking blog is "Bogus" But I can easily disprove anything. Someone my use of explict language makes me look fake. Well, you can't fake facts, hunny. And today. I'll be showcasing a long list of them. Just say though if you don't like reading you should go here. This blog will be summing a lot of stuff about SSSniperwolf (Not concluding this exposing project) But I won't be writing a whole novel about how SSSniperwolf is really a thot and continuing to block out the criticism. That video also shows some of her "Slutty past" And I hope the person that tried to critique my whole expose little blog. Sees that video. Because it raises some good points. Alright, let's get started. Everybody knows about SSSniperwolf's old channel. Sexysexysniperr. Apparently, she sent nudes to a dude on MGO. A website. I'll link the source of where I found this picture at the end of this.

Alright, so if you zoom in the close to that picture. It says "SexysexySniperr." It reads.  I'm a cold-hearted bitch that fucked up... But I will say some of that shit is made up tho, actually funny how you made up some things. I won't go through the rest, I have limited time. Another thing I would like to say. There's a google drive with all of her old videos. And that's pretty interesting. Also. I'd like to say while I was gathering info for this video. I noticed her channel doesn't pop up on Wayback Machine.. It's funny how she's the only channel. Makes you think a bit. I'm looking through this evidence. And this is just a goldmine. I've gotten lucky today. Here's the picture of that video if you don't believe my word. and do you know what's next to that said video?
That image. So to all the people saying that this blog is fake. Take that image as a big fuck you. There's also a shiton of evidence she created drama with her former business partner (Fake drama) To gain more youtube money. My source will be linked at the end of this blog as I said earlier. There's a lot of evidence going to be pressed around today. I told you. I" M GOING OUT BIG! Y'all can't handle all this truth, I'm about to spread. It also looks as if her little show. "Faptastic" Was a weekly thing and from me looking at the comments. It looked like it was title bait. There's also a video filled with evidence on Pinterest. Will link it at the end. That's basically all I have guys. I decided I go all out with this video. The title is referenced to Eminem's revival album. Peace y' all.



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